Welcome to Living Hope!
Watch This Week’s Worship Service
Living Hope is a vibrant, growing ELCA Lutheran church located in Saukville, Wisconsin. We believe God’s love is for you, no matter who you are.
If you’re new to Saukville and looking for a friendly community, feeling a nudge from God to look for a church home, or you just have questions and want to connect, we're right here in the neighborhood, and we’d love to get to know you. There's a place for you here!
We invite you to join us for worship every Sunday at 10:30 am.
Each week’s worship service is also available online, and you can find recordings of previous services on the Worship & Devotional Resources page of our website. Learn more about Living Hope’s mission and ministries, explore what we believe, or check out our latest newsletter here on our website.
We can’t wait to meet you!
Welcome Video
Our Congregation’s Mission
Living Hope Lutheran Church is called by the Holy Spirit to welcome individuals and families wherever they are on their spiritual journey and assist them to grow DEEPER in their faith by offering meaningful and inspiring worship and Christian education across the lifespan but with emphasis on child and youth programming.
We are a family of God growing STRONGER in authentic relationships with Jesus through prayer, with one another through shepherding and encouraging, and with our local and global community through service and stewardship.
We intentionally celebrate our successes as we make WIDER the impact of God's church in our individual lives and in our world.
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We Can’t Wait To Meet You!
You’re invited to join us in person or online every Sunday morning!
10:30 A.M. In Person and Online Worship Service
Sunday School (During the School Year)
9:15 A.M. - 10:15 A.M.
Living Hope Lutheran Church - ELCA
851 West Dekora Street (State Highway 33)
Saukville, WI 53080
Church Office: (262) 284-7177